Mid-Week Recap

5:30 AM: Treadmill Workout Week #2; Run #5 – COMPLETED

Strength – COMPLETED

I did another treadmill workout this morning (I ran #4 on Monday, then I did an easy 6-mile run yesterday).  So far, I am enjoying the treadmill workout.  One thing is, you have to constantly be paying attention.  One minute you’re on an 8% incline running at a 8.4 speed, and then you recover and do the next interval at different incline and different speed.  So you really need to be focused.  But other than that, it is pretty fun and a good workout.  I am always drenched after.

Quick weekend recap.  On Friday, I left the office at 2 and scooped up B.  Then headed home.  P picked up Lili from school and then I took her to dance.

dance friday

I need to figure out a way to post her dance recital video on here. They’re so cute.  Lili’s excited for her recital on Sunday.  After dance, we headed home and hung around.

Saturday morning I woke up and hung out with the kids.  We ate breakfast #1 and then when P was waking up, I made a big brunch.

sat breakfast

Pancakes, sausage, turkey bacon and homefries.  We did a few things around the house and then finally headed over to the park where I did a short run and then walked 2-miles with P and the kids.

sat park

I can’t believe they lasted 2 whole miles.  Of course, there’s the playground after the walk.  We make them work for their play-time.

sat park 2

Half an hour after the kids played, P realized he dropped his phone on our walk.  What a fiasco.  He walked back looking for it and I sent the phone a message asking whomever found the phone to please please please return it to the playground. Can you believe half hour later, a kind woman and her friend walking dogs came over to the park and found me!!! THERE ARE STILL GOOD PEOPLE OUT THERE! 

Anyway, we came home and I grilled burgers and dogs.  Then gave the kids a bath and off to bed.  Great day especially since we found the phone.

Sunday morning we woke up and I fed the kids breakfast. Instead of watching TV/ipads, I put on music and declared it no TV day (well, I let them watch ONE movie only at one point).  I had to figure out how to keep them preoccupied while I ran on the treadmill and BINGO… Nothing keeps them busy like PLAYDOH.


Ahhhh, I was able to get a 7-mile run in (with 3-miles of those being the actual workout) and they were so well behaved. We also had a party at 1:30 so I tried to put B down for a nap.  It didn’t work.

bday gift

I forgot to buy a birthday card so we ended up making our own. Anyway, we left for the party at 1.

chuck 2

Can I just say, they had too much fun.

We left close to 3 and I gave the kids a bath earlier than later. I also had to feed Lili because believe it or not, she does NOT like pizza. Since I didn’t wan them watching TV still, I had more activities for them.

First we painted and then they took out the mats to do some gymnastics and build a tent.


THEN, I finally let them watch a movie before getting ready to go to bed.  Our usual night time routine; reading a book.

tues bed

Monday morning I woke up and Lili was so excited to give me my birthday card.

birthday 1

She’s the sweetest.  I had a busy full day.  I did a treadmill workout, cleaned the house a bit, got the kids dressed and did drop off.  I worked until 3:15 and then left the office to scoop up Lili. She had dress rehearsal for her recital on Sunday.


As soon as I got home, I was shocked to see that Pedro had surprised me.


Yup, he decorated the house with balloons.

birthday 2

And flowers.  My in-laws and sister came over. We had pizza and cake. It was very low-key. BUT a great time.

birthday 3

And here we are!! I think I’m pretty much caught up!

I can’t believe it’s JUNE! My favorite month ever (sarcasm in this). It’s actually like December. So busy.  My birthday was just the kick-off, but now, it’ll be Father’s Day, Lili’s Birthday, finishing up Pre-K and Pedro’s 40th Birthday!!! I can’t bEelieve it.

Did you take dance classes when you were a kid? I never did. I wish I did. I think I live vicariously through Lili. HA!

Ever lose your phone? Was it returned to you?  It’s a pain to replace it so thank goodness that nice woman returned it.


A Setback Means Run it Out

My dad was scheduled for round 3 of chemo last Thursday. Unfortunately, his blood counts were abnormal (low Hgb, low WBC, high Creatine = platelets low and kidneys failing) so he needed to be readmitted into the hospital.  My parents spent 8 hours in the ER waiting to be transferred over to the oncology unit.  I arrived to the hospital as they were making the transfer.  We got my dad settled in and he was already looking stronger since he had been admitted (it’s crazy how fast antibiotics and lots of IV fluids will get you up again).  We stayed on the later side and then I dropped my mom off at home and then headed home myself.  I had to pick her up really early the next morning.

Friday morning, I woke up early and my brother’s girlfriend babysat Sebastian. My mom and I headed over back to the hospital.   We waited around for his doctor to make her rounds.  She came around at about 9:30 AM and gave us the rundown.  She said that he needed a blood transfusion followed by four doses of steroids.  Unfortunately (a lot of that word being tossed around), because there are so many days in between his chemo, all his treatments need to be started over from scratch.  Bummer.  Just gotta keep the positive vibes going.

We left the hospital at around 1:30 because I still needed to pick Lili up from school.  After, we hung out at my parents house until about 8.  I still needed to make dinner and give the kids a bath.  I was exhausted.

Saturday morning, I woke up and decided to jump into a local 5k down the street.  It really was a 5-minute drive.  I put the jogger into the car, dressed the kids warm, packed snacks, and got dressed. The race didn’t start until 9:30 so we had plenty of time.  I almost backed out but figured I needed to get a run in anyway.  It was COLD but we kept warm.  It was a great vibe — large table full of breakfast, DJ blasting music, face painting, etc.

First 5k Fall Race 2015

First 5k Fall Race 2015

I ended up seeing Amanda (from Team Bacon — Cici introduced us a few years back).  I wish we took a picture together.  It turns out that they happen to be her work’s client.  I should also say, she just had an amazing PR a week ago at the Hartford Marathon.  I think her time was like, a 3:46.  So proud of that girl.  Anyway, race started on time.  At mile 1 I was regretting it.  What was I thinking… running with the kids in the jogger when I’ve been so out of touch.  At mile 2 this couple in front of me kept laughing because Sebastian kept saying, “What is this? What is this? What is this?” over and over.  The girl finally turned around and laughed saying, “Honey, mommy is busy running right now.  She’ll get back to you in a mile”. God bless her…

Done & Done

Done & Done

Honestly, I was HAPPY to be done. I am sure I almost vomited.  HAHA.  I ran into another runner that ran with her kids in the double.  She was the one responsible for getting my butt there that morning.  We talked for a bit and then I took the kids over to the park that was right behind the building the 5k was being held at.



I haven’t seen a sea-saw at playgrounds in a LONG time.  The kids had way too much fun and it took me forever to get them to leave.

The awards ceremony was being held and I’m embarrassed to say that I was leaving.  Turns out we (it’s only right to say we since I ran it with the kids) took 2nd place in my age group.  I have to say that it made my day. 🙂

We headed home shortly after and ran some errands with P as he was walking out of the door.  It was to his parents house, CVS and breakfast.  Then home.  I showered, put the kids down and then as promised, we baked Halloween sugar cookies.

Roll It

Roll It

Pat it...

Pat it…

Sprinkle it.

Sprinkle it.

Eat them.

Eat them.

oh, they came out so soft and delicious.  Good job, Lili and B.  After I cleaned up, I got dinner prepped and then headed over to the hospital.  I knew I might not go the next day so went that evening.  I ended up leaving later than I had planned (8:30) and didn’t get home until after 9.  I had to put the kids down and poor P — I cooked his dinner at 10.  Then I had to lay out clothes for the next morning.

I ran the Halloween Half Marathon yesterday.  Again, I was going back and forth with whether I wanted to run it… My girlfriend (who knows what I’m going through with my family right now) was kind enough to pick up my race bib for me.  I decided I better go since I needed a long run in anyway.  I left the house at 7:30 and arrived at around 8:15.  I found some guys that were driving to the race (start line was about 2 miles away) so they gave me a lift. They were so nice and funny. I love runners. 🙂

I decided to take this nice and easy. No pressure.  I did some rookie mistakes that I will have to do in a more detailed post.  But overall, I finished in 2:08.  I can’t complain. I am not feeling sore at all and I didn’t have to walk either (not that there’s anything wrong with walking some parts).  I just feel a lot better after the last two weeks of runs.

Hallween Half Marathon

Hallween Half Marathon

I had every intention of dressing up in a costume but never had the time to pick one up. Oh well.

Grammar School Friends

Grammar School Friends

This girl had a 6-min PR. 1:50.  She’s my grammar school friend (up until high school). We don’t see each other often but she’s such a sweetheart. She picked up my race bib for me.  Thanks, Megan.

Anyway, I was home by 12:30 and basically spent the rest of the day doing laundry, cooking, cleaning and playing with the kids.

Wow, that was long. Anyway, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

Who else loves FALL running? I can’t get enough of it.

Tough as Nails


Cici and I are a bunch of crazies. We did our first track workout for the training season at the worst possible time ever. Yes, we are total badasses (or suicidal). You know, just doing our track workout at 1:00 PM, 90-degree weather and like humid like a #$%&. You get the picture. The track was pretty much empty except one other crazy woman who was doing her sprints followed by burpees.

Take me to Track

Take me to Track

I don’t even know how we did it, but we got through it. Sweaty and I’m sure 6 lbs. lighter because I looked like I had taken another shower.

Tough as Nails

Tough as Nails

As Cici says, we were tough as nails out there. I’m hoping that this initial track workout in the sauna will only make us faster and stronger. 🙂 Running with Cici is the bestest. I seriously love this WOMAN. Yesterday morning I got her all pumped up for our upcoming training plans and she drafted our schedule. So exciting. BUT FIRST, WE NEED TO DO WORK!

In toddler/kid news, Lili did somewhat better today. She cried for like 45-minutes and calmed down quicker than yesterday. 🙂 Last night when I picked her and Sebastian up, they were SO excited to see me. Lili came running to me, “MOMMY, MOMMY, MOMMY!” and Sebastian was all “MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!” Yeah, he calls me money because mommy isn’t working for him. I had to go to Costco to help my mom carry 4 cases of 48 bottled water and Lili came with me. I had promised her we would go to the library for story/craft but we were late. We did catch the crafts part and I read the book to her while she worked on it.

The Mouse Family's Summer

The Mouse Family’s Summer

Working Hard

Working Hard



Afterwards, the kids played and we picked out library books.



I love library books.

When was the last time you took out a book from the library?

I’m pretty sure the last time I took out a book was around high school? So long…

Busy Wednesday

I was scheduled for 5-miles this morning but something came up. I am almost 100% sure that I scheduled Lili’s annual 4-year appointment on Friday but when the office called after my track run yesterday, they were confirming the appointment for today. Uh, okay… I didn’t want to push it back anymore days so I kept the appointment. Unfortunately, this meant that I had to run pretty early and all I had time for was 4-miles. Oh well. You win some, you lose some.

After my run, I took a quick shower, changed both kids and we were out of the house by 7:30 dropping off Sebastian. Lili and I headed over to her appointment.

The Doctor AGAIN?@$#

The Doctor AGAIN?@$#

Unfortunately, she failed her vision test so we have to make an appointment with the pediatric eye doctor. 😦 Other than that, her blood work came back good and as the doctor said, “SHE’S OFFICIALLY A 4-YEAR OLD!!!” (well after all her vaccines, OUCH!).

I gave her the option to come to work and I would drop her off at lunch or I could drop her off now to my parents. She wanted to come to work again. So we picked up breakfast and came to the office. After she ate, she knew the drill. Time for school work.



Today she was happy to do some work. We did a lot.

Summer Lesson Plans

Summer Lesson Plans

I know, I go a little crazy but she needs to be on top of her work.

After we both did some work (yes, I had to take care of some work myself), we ate lunch and then I told her I would drop her off at my parents. She did NOT want to go. She started to cry so I said okay we could go for a walk.

Walk into Town

Walk into Town

We walked into town and then to the post office.

Wait, there's actual MAIL other than E-MAILS?!

Wait, there’s actual MAIL other than E-MAILS?!

Then we walked to the park down the street.



and more running…



I can’t complain. It was a great hour lunch. When we headed back, I had some work to do and she relaxed a bit with a snack. When it was time for me to pump, she laid down and then this happened…




I think we should all get to nap at work. It would make me a happier employee. 🙂

Do you wear glasses? Contacts? Do you run with glasses? I wear both — and so does P. My entire family does and P’s parents do too. We knew Lili might have an issue, but not this early. I’m hoping it was just a fluke.

Anybody running a Firecraker 4th Race?

The Weekly Update

It’s 90s and humid out. I feel like we go from winter to summer these past few years. Since we’re having dinner out tonight for Mimi’s birthday, I opted out on a lunch run (it’s going to be gross which means I will be stinky — can you tell I have kids? My vocabulary is so wide!) and so I’ve been treading it the last few days.

Second Home

Second Home

P did clean my jogger and just needs to fill air in the tires. Then we’re good to go. Of course we’re supposed to get rain the next few days. He always had good timing.

Of course the weekend is upon us and I’m just updated on the past weekend. In a nutshell, we had quite a busy weekend/week. It started off with Pedro and my 5 year anniversary dinner. I came home and he surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of roses and lilies.

<3 05.21.15 <3

❤ 05.21.15 ❤

The kids were at my parents and so we went to dinner at The Spanish Tavern.

Paella Valencia

Delicious. During dinner, we received a text from my dad that the kids said ‘Happy Anniversary’ and just had their bath.

Fresh & Clean

Fresh & Clean

Too cute. We were home by 9:30 with the kids and they went down fast. The rest of the weekend was spent at the park a few times, cleaning, organizing, playing outside, etc.







I did some organizing. I mean, our filing cabinet was a MESS. I have a pile to shred and everything is filed into place. We also had to change a few things on the kids 529 college fund.

College Savings

College Savings

We went back to another park a different day.

Big girl

Big girl



Big Guy Climbing

Big Guy Climbing

After the park on Sunday, we ran over to Home Depot to pick up a few things.

home depot fun

home depot sun

On Memorial Day, we woke up early to run around.



I ended up grilling burgers and dogs inside. We haven’t ordered a BBQ grill but we’re looking to order one very, very soon. (Probably in the next week or so). P tried to finish up cleaning up the branches in the yard and setting it up for the kids to play.

MDW Sanbox Time

MDW Sanbox Time

Back Yard Fun

Back Yard Fun

Mini Pool

Mini Pool





And that was the weekend in a nutshell. The week was pretty busy too but I’ll have to update on that next time.

I know I’m late… HA.

Who else went for a swim on Memorial Day? BBQs?

Who is ready for summer? I just wish it wasn’t so humid, BUT I guess better than winter.

May Birthdays and An Anniversary

Today is our five year anniversary since we have been married, but we also got married on our “dating” anniversary four years prior. So, today we have been with each other for 9 years total. Happy Anniversary to US. After I drop Lili off at my parents, I’m meeting P at home and we’re going out to dinner. (Courtesy of my girlfriend Alison from Livestrong that sent us a gift certificate to a restaurant for Christmas! Thanks, Allie, Justin and Cayden). After dinner, we will pick up the kids and call it a night. P had work tomorrow and Lili has school. My parents will give the kids a bath though so at least they’ll be ready for bed.

Today is also my SIL’s birthday!!! Lili sends her birthday week countdowns. They’re adorable. I played the piano and she sang Happy Birthday to her.

Happy Birthday, Tia

Happy Birthday, Tia

She is celebrating her birthday in Florida this weekend. Hope you have a fabulous day, girl!

And yes, there are a lot of May birthdays (TAURUS IN THE HOUSE) that we have been celebrating. But a quick weekend recap — UH, yeah, on a Thursday. I’m so late.

On Saturday, I woke up and ran 6 miles. Then I had to bake brownies and get the kids ready. We were heading up north to visit some friends. First we had to pick up my BIL and the family.



Our friendds had a baby girl two months ago so we were finally meeting the newest addition and she is the cutest and most well-behaved baby ever.

Liana and Liliana

Liana and Liliana

With Baby Liana

With Baby Liana

SO MUCH BBQ on the grill, it was DELICIOUS.



The kids had a blast running back and forth.



Good times! After dropping off my BIL’s family, we got home around 11PM. I gave the kids a bath at Julie’s because I knew we would be home late. Glad I did that because it would have been awful waking them up for a bath and they needed on. B ate dirt and was pretty much covered in it.

Sunday morning, I woke up, ran 3-miles and then I had to bake. I was baking cookies, brownies and mac and cheese. We were celebrating my niece’s 6th birthday with family and friends.

Birthday Gal

Birthday Gal

Photobooth Fun

Photobooth Fun

Mommy & Lili

Mommy & Lili



Food was good. The face painter was a hit. It was a great time altogether.

The San Fam

The San Fam


I ended up getting pretty sick when we got home. I vomited twice — I think it was something I ate. P gave the kids a bath because I was so weak. I ended up having some toast and butter and then stayed in bed. We read books with the kids.

Favorite New Book

I highly recommend this book. It’s so educational and history made fun. Yesterday we learned about John Adams and Thomas Jefferson (both died on the same date, July 4). Thomas Jefferson was probably the smartest President ever. He’s the President responsible for the Louisiana Purchase. 🙂

After story time, lights went off and we were all knocked out.

Our week has been so busy. I even stopped at my former employer’s office for her 59th birthday. She’s the President of the American Dental Association.

Happy Birthday Doc

Happy Birthday Doc

She is like a celebrity. I worked for her for 15 years but have known her for 19 years. It’s crazy, I used to babysit her kids when they were 2 and 4. She has watched me grow through bad break-ups, getting engaged, getting married, having my kids, etc.

What’s the longest you’ve been at a job? Do you keep in touch with old employers? colleagues?
I have been working at my current job for 10.5 years. But the longest job was the Dr.’s office for 15-years.

What’s everyone doing for Memorial Day Weekend? Racing?

Hope everyone has a fun and safe Memorial Day!

TGIT (Because I am off tomorrow)!

Tired doesn’t even explain how I am feeling this morning. I thought that by the time B was a year, he’d start to wean off with wanting to be nursed. But I learned at 13 months when he wouldn’t even take cows milk that it wasn’t happening any time soon (I still pump milk once a day at work — which I am grateful for because I just learned that most offices won’t allow women to pump at work after 1-year). Maybe a year and a half — NOPE. And here we are, at 20 months and some days and he’s still nursing through the night. Some nights are better than others but last night was AWFUL. I apologize in advanced if this is TMI, but it is ROUGH when you have a toddler (I think he’s too big now to be called a “baby”?) latched on for hours on end.

SO yeah, that explains why I am so tired today. On top of it, I had a ton of things to do this morning. We had a rather busy evening so I didn’t get much accomplished last night when we got home. We stopped by my niece’s house to celebrate her birthday. She’s having a party on Sunday but I think it’s important to celebrate with kids on the actual day too. Just a few pics from last night.

Happy 6th Birthday

Happy 6th Birthday

The Gang

The Gang

The Godparents

The Godparents

Us with the Birthday Girl

Us with the Birthday Girl

Being Silly

Being Silly

Good times. I had planned to leave between 7:00-7:30 but we hit so much traffic getting to the house. So we left at 8:10. We were home by 8:38. I gave the kids a bath and then we read a few pages of a book I just bought for Lili.

The Preseidents

The Presidents

Lili nicknamed George Washington (The Father of our Country), “Georgie”. I give this book an A+. It’s a great way to teach your kids about the Presidents of the U.S.

I ran this morning and I have to say, it was chilly out. It was a sweater kind of day. (Just like yesterday). I mean, it’s supposed to warm up (low 70s). I’m glad I didn’t put the sweaters that my sister gave me away yet.



Did you put all your winter clothes away yet? Spring/Summer clothes out? What about your fall boots? How do you store your clothes? BINS?

Short hair? Long hair? Do you get tempted to cut in the summer? I need a new hairdo.

I’m almost done with my ice-coffee. And there’s 6 hours left in the workday. I hope I get through this day.

Lucky Six

I should have ran 6-miles this morning, but all I had time for was 5. Today is my niece’s 6th Birthday.

Scarlett Bella & Me

Scarlett Bella & Me

I’ll have more recent pics of her up tomorrow as we’re stopping by for dinner and cake.



The above picture is actually a month and a half before P and I got married. We were in Atlantic City for my brother’s 21st birthday and I ended up buying a dress for my “engagement” party. It really wasn’t an engagement party but just a small intimate pre-celebration before we got married since we were getting married in City Hall. 🙂

I’m running out to this toy store in town. My sister said NO TOYS on her invitation for my niece’s birthday party, but she’s 6!!! What 6 year old just wants clothes? Hopefully I can find something both fun and educational. I mean, it’s a pretty cool store and I might need to refrain myself from buying too many things.

What was your favorite toy growing up? We used to get a bunch of used toys but LOVED it. My Little Pony, Barbies, Transformers.

Who grew up watching JEM and the Holograms? I can’t believe the movie they’re making and I saw the trailer. Not too happy about it.

Happy Wednesday. Halfway through the week, friends.

Non-Stop Weekend

I started off my morning with a run on the ‘mill. NO, P did not get my jogger out yet. It is still dusting away and hopefully he will get it cleaned this weekend. It worked out though because the weekend wasn’t as nice as I hoped it would be. Nonetheless, we had a good time. Quick breakdown (with lots of photos):

Friday: I woke up early and ran on the tread. Lili’s school was having “Muffins for Moms” Mother-Day. I wasn’t going to stay because I had B with me but her teacher told me to stay anyway.

Breakfast with my MUFFIN

Breakfast with my MUFFIN

She gave me her Mother’s Day gift there.

Mother's Day 2015

Mother’s Day 2015

I hung out with some of the other moms and then headed home around 9:15. I fed B, washed the dishes, folded two loads of laundry and then we headed over to my girlfriend’s house for play-date #1.



Down Dog!

Down Dog!

B has this thing with dogs. I think he wants one, but we are not getting one! HA.

The kids had lunch around 1 and then we ended up leaving at 2 to pick up Lili. As soon as we scooped her up, we headed over to play-date #2.



We hadn’t seen Isabelle and Lex in so long so it was a much needed play-date. The kids had SO much fun.

BFFs <3

BFFs ❤


We were home by 8 and I had to give the kids a good scrubbing bath. B was so tired, he couldn’t even open his eyes — BUT they were rolling in the grass, soaking wet from the water-table and I’m sure there was some sand in his diaper. At least they slept pretty well.

SATURDAY: I was disappointed in the weather. I thought it was going to be nice out but it wasn’t. So, we got up early, I made pancakes for the kids and then ran on the tread. I did a load of laundry and we just relaxed most of the day. I also did food shopping with Lili in the evening. P had a doctor’s appointment and we were going to go with him but the weather was really awful out.

SUNDAY (MOTHER’S DAY): As much as I love family, it’s a tough day for me to just relax. We have to see both moms (next year I think I might just see both moms on Saturday so I could just do something with P and the kids). I got up and ran 3-miles and then these two met me at the track!

Lili's 1st track workout

Lili’s 1st track workout

RUN, B, RUN...


After track workout, we headed over to the Dunkin’ Donuts drive-thru and got hot cocoa and coffee. We came home, had a quick bite and I jumped in the shower for Sunday Mass.

Sunday Mass

Sunday Mass

As soon as we came home from Mass, B fell asleep. He had a good amount of time to nap before we headed out to Mother’s Day event #1. Unfortunately, Lili did not nap so she fell asleep in the car and then tried to nap as soon as we got there.

Leave me ALONE!

Leave me ALONE!

15 minutes later, she could hear the fun that was taking place downstairs, so we headed down and hung out.

Mom's Day BBQ

Mom’s Day BBQ

Pit Bull's Best Friend

Pit Bull’s Best Friend



We wrapped it up around 5:30 and headed home. I wanted to be home by 6 so I could give the kids a bath and get them dressed. We were having dinner with my family at 7pm.

Mother's Day

Mother’s Day

Unfortunately, B was so fussy and I believe tired, so I asked P if he minded if he went home with him. (I should probably add that P also forgot to put shoes on him!). So they left right away and I stayed for dinner. It was nice. Lili was pretty much an angel.

Mama & Lili

Mama & Lili

I'm a BABY still...

I’m a BABY still…

Yeah, she still fits in the high chairs… She did get really tired at one point — so I took out some paper and crayons.

lili ipad rest

My brother dropped us off after dinner and since I gave her a bath before dinner, she changed into her jammies and called it a night.

It was a busy Mother’s Day! And a busy Monday morning. Aside from my run this morning, I had to feed kids, prepare Lili’s lunch, prepare P’s lunch, dress both kids, shower and drop off B. Is it Thursday yet?

How was your Mother’s Day? Unless you’re Nat, in her case they celebrate Mum’s Day in March. (see I was paying attention!).

Who else is ready for SUMMER? The weather sure feels like it.

Anybody training for a FALL marathon?
Unless you’re Chels, then you’re probably preparing for a race every weekend. 🙂 Love ya girl.

I’m so not ready to train in the summer. Hopefully I can get out before the heat!

Hope you all have a great start to your Monday. Sorry for the photo-overload.

Thirsty Tuesday?

But there’s no liquor in the house… Oh well.

Did my morning run on the tread, again. I have to scoop up Lili at school today (I don’t normally do pick-up on Tuesday). Today’s view on the good old ‘mill.

Bubs eating Breakie

Bubs eating Breakie

I woke up Lili after my run and she ate breakfast, then I got kids ready and showered. I’m wearing a green dress that my sister gave me a few weeks ago.



Last night was good. We got home and I made some chili for dinner. P ate it with rice and I ate it like it was Cinco de Mayo. Tostitos and sour cream. Then I made everyone (except myself) ice-cream in cones. It was B’s first time.



I wish I took an “after” pic. His face was COVERED IN ICE-CREAM. It was okay though. Bath time is after dinner. 🙂

Lili gets to come to work with me again and she LOVES it.

Work tomorrow, too?

Work tomorrow, too?

Who’s celebrating Cinco de Mayo? I do love me some Mexican food.

Favorite alcoholic beverage? I love beer, wine and my MIL’s Sangria. The best ever.