School’s Out for the Summer

Well, it’s actually TOMORROW, when school’s officially out.  It also happens to be sweet Lili’s 5th birthday. Holy crap. I can’t believe my daughter is turning 5!!!! How did we get here already?  Anyhow, my quick weekly (more like week and a half) recap.

So, we had a plaly-date with Lili’s best (Fri. 6/10/16)


And they had a blast.  We gave all 4 kids a bath and as soon as we got home, they just needed to be tucked in. Easy Peasy.

The next day, my niece came over bright and early. I made a huge breakfast and then we started some activities. First we took them to the park. And by 1pm, we headed home to put B down for a nap.  I did a paint session with the girls.

It was very fun and we were going by our rule of NO TV for most of the day.  We were holding off on TV until before dinner.

paint 3

Didn’t they do a great job?

Anyway, after we were done painting, I knew B was going to wake up so I took out the playdoh and then I had to run out to drop off tickets for Lili’s dance recital at my in-laws.


I got home and found the three playing nicely.  While they played for almost 2 hours, I made dinner. Then it was eating time, bath and bed. I had to prepare for Lili’s dance recital.

Sunday (06/12/16), I woke up and gave the kids banana bread. I ran on the treadmill and then got all three kids dressed.  I showered and we were out of the house by 9:45.


Lili did a great job on her first recital ever.

miss sarah

Here she is with Miss Sarah.


After, we headed over to a restaurant to eat with family.  It was nice.  Then we went home and relaxed for a bit.

Last week was pretty busy also.  On Thursday (06/16/16), Lili had a little something for her Pre-K class.


They are so cute.  My FIL and I both attended. P was sick earlier that week so couldn’t take more time off.


And she’ll be starting Kindergarten now. My how time flies. The ceremony was pretty short and sweet.  I went to work and picked her up.  Then that night we prepared her goody bags for her classmates.  Her birthday is really tomorrow but we celebrated last Friday in school.


I really like how her goody bags came out.

Friday morning, B and I went food shopping and then stopped at Lili’s school for munckins and juice.


B was so excited to be in school. I can’t believe he’ll be going this September.


He did not want to leave her side. He had so much fun. He was hysterically crying when we had to leave.


And her goody bags were a huge hit.  All the kids were looking at their pictures, laughing, finding one another.


It happened to be her classmate’s birthday also.

Okay, too much picture overload here. I’ll have to do a quick recap of the weekend tomorrow.

As for running, it’s been going well. I have been getting miles in and some strength (not as much as I would like to, but I’m getting some in).  I start MCM training in a few weeks so I’m just enjoying the next few weeks of fun miles.

Who’s going on summer vacation? We’re not really going anywhere. I might do some long weekend to the beach but nothing huge.

Who’s running a lot of races this summer? Summer running/training is tough… I will try to hit the trails more so that I am in the shade.

Mid-Week Recap

5:30 AM: Treadmill Workout Week #2; Run #5 – COMPLETED

Strength – COMPLETED

I did another treadmill workout this morning (I ran #4 on Monday, then I did an easy 6-mile run yesterday).  So far, I am enjoying the treadmill workout.  One thing is, you have to constantly be paying attention.  One minute you’re on an 8% incline running at a 8.4 speed, and then you recover and do the next interval at different incline and different speed.  So you really need to be focused.  But other than that, it is pretty fun and a good workout.  I am always drenched after.

Quick weekend recap.  On Friday, I left the office at 2 and scooped up B.  Then headed home.  P picked up Lili from school and then I took her to dance.

dance friday

I need to figure out a way to post her dance recital video on here. They’re so cute.  Lili’s excited for her recital on Sunday.  After dance, we headed home and hung around.

Saturday morning I woke up and hung out with the kids.  We ate breakfast #1 and then when P was waking up, I made a big brunch.

sat breakfast

Pancakes, sausage, turkey bacon and homefries.  We did a few things around the house and then finally headed over to the park where I did a short run and then walked 2-miles with P and the kids.

sat park

I can’t believe they lasted 2 whole miles.  Of course, there’s the playground after the walk.  We make them work for their play-time.

sat park 2

Half an hour after the kids played, P realized he dropped his phone on our walk.  What a fiasco.  He walked back looking for it and I sent the phone a message asking whomever found the phone to please please please return it to the playground. Can you believe half hour later, a kind woman and her friend walking dogs came over to the park and found me!!! THERE ARE STILL GOOD PEOPLE OUT THERE! 

Anyway, we came home and I grilled burgers and dogs.  Then gave the kids a bath and off to bed.  Great day especially since we found the phone.

Sunday morning we woke up and I fed the kids breakfast. Instead of watching TV/ipads, I put on music and declared it no TV day (well, I let them watch ONE movie only at one point).  I had to figure out how to keep them preoccupied while I ran on the treadmill and BINGO… Nothing keeps them busy like PLAYDOH.


Ahhhh, I was able to get a 7-mile run in (with 3-miles of those being the actual workout) and they were so well behaved. We also had a party at 1:30 so I tried to put B down for a nap.  It didn’t work.

bday gift

I forgot to buy a birthday card so we ended up making our own. Anyway, we left for the party at 1.

chuck 2

Can I just say, they had too much fun.

We left close to 3 and I gave the kids a bath earlier than later. I also had to feed Lili because believe it or not, she does NOT like pizza. Since I didn’t wan them watching TV still, I had more activities for them.

First we painted and then they took out the mats to do some gymnastics and build a tent.


THEN, I finally let them watch a movie before getting ready to go to bed.  Our usual night time routine; reading a book.

tues bed

Monday morning I woke up and Lili was so excited to give me my birthday card.

birthday 1

She’s the sweetest.  I had a busy full day.  I did a treadmill workout, cleaned the house a bit, got the kids dressed and did drop off.  I worked until 3:15 and then left the office to scoop up Lili. She had dress rehearsal for her recital on Sunday.


As soon as I got home, I was shocked to see that Pedro had surprised me.


Yup, he decorated the house with balloons.

birthday 2

And flowers.  My in-laws and sister came over. We had pizza and cake. It was very low-key. BUT a great time.

birthday 3

And here we are!! I think I’m pretty much caught up!

I can’t believe it’s JUNE! My favorite month ever (sarcasm in this). It’s actually like December. So busy.  My birthday was just the kick-off, but now, it’ll be Father’s Day, Lili’s Birthday, finishing up Pre-K and Pedro’s 40th Birthday!!! I can’t bEelieve it.

Did you take dance classes when you were a kid? I never did. I wish I did. I think I live vicariously through Lili. HA!

Ever lose your phone? Was it returned to you?  It’s a pain to replace it so thank goodness that nice woman returned it.



I’ve been M.I.A.A. (Last A for Again!). Busy at work + Stomach Virus + Busy at Work = No Time to Update… I turned 35 last Saturday (no midlife crisis…yet) so here are 35 little updates just for you from the last two weeks. Brace yourselves…. It might be a bit of picture overload over here.

1. Thursdays are my favorite days. Mainly because it’s my FRIDAY! My routine includes picking up Lili from school, finishing up my work and then scooping up the little guy. Sometimes if my brother and his girlfriend don’t go to the gym, we get to hang out with them for a bit — and the kids love it.

<3 Uncle EJ <3

❤ Uncle EJ ❤

2. Fridays are for errands. I schedule doctors appointments, go food shopping, etc. I had an eye exam. After my exam, the little guy and I took a stroll in town.


I stopped at my mom and dad’s to go with my mom to Costco. I was going to stay for dinner but then my head was pounding (probably from contacts) and then my stomach was off. So I headed home.

3. And Saturday mornings are for the kids doctor’s appointment. Lili had her first dentist appointment.

No Cavities

No Cavities

4. Did you know they have TVs on ceilings for the kids and they get to wear cool sunglasses.

Disney? Nick, Jr.?

Disney? Nick, Jr.?

5. The dentist for kiddos are so much fun. Lili left there with more toys than if she stopped at Toys ‘R Us.

Princess Clean Teeth

Princess Clean Teeth

6. Sunny Weekends are the BEST. It was a beautiful Saturday (05/29/15) so we ended up hanging in the yard.

Sandbox Fun

Sandbox Fun

7. Summertime = Sprinkle Fun.



8. And the sprinklers don’t end…



9. Sunday (5/31/15) was National Stroller Day. I made sure the night before that our Bob Jogger was ready to go. But first, we went to the track. I was pretty excited because woke up early and wanted to come with us.



10. They are seriously the best… Two loops around before starting my run with the kids.

Sanchez Relay Team

Sanchez Relay Team

11. National Stroller Day. I did a run with the kids while Pedro finished his walk around the park also.

National Stroller Day

National Stroller Day

Two Sundays ago was my first run with the jogger since last summer. It was HARD! But so worth it.

12. We ended our run at the park and the kids were thrilled. Mainly because the spray playground was ON.



13. When P was done with his walk, he met us at the park and hung out before doing another walk.

The Fam Jam

The Fam Jam

14. And then it happened. I got so sick at 2pm. I was vomiting like crazy. And then it hit the kids… Needless to say, we caught the stomach bug and it was not pretty.

Stomach Bug 2015

Stomach Bug 2015

15. I had to call out of work the next day. I must have done about 10 loads of laundry. It was awful. The next morning, we made some vegetable soup.

Veggie Soup

Veggie Soup

16. The kids acted pretty normal, for the most part.

Sick but Happy

Sick but Happy

But unfortunately a wave hit and S vomited three times. I made an appointment and then when we get to the parking lot, Lili vomits all over the parking lot. WHAT.A.DISASTER!!!!

17. Dr. can’t give anything but says it will pass and to keep giving fluids. Fun fact, S won’t drink pedialyte unless it’s in a syringe. So we’ll take that…

Pedialyte Syringe

Pedialyte Syringe

18. We all took another day off because everyone was still pretty sick. And yeah, just because we’re off doesn’t mean we don’t read books and do school work. Lili continued practicing her letters, read a book together and drew her picture of what the book was about.

Green Eggs and Ham

Green Eggs and Ham

19. Everything that big sis does, lil bro must do…


20. National Running Day arrived…I hadn't run since Sunday (right before I got ill) and hadn't had a real meal in the last 5 days, but I didn't miss out on running. I felt okay and took it nice and slow.

Happy National Running Day 2015

21. Lili was scheduled to go back to school the next day, and S had another appointment. So after he was cleared, I headed back to work and yes… I was slammed.

At the Office

At the Office

22. Thursday came (my favorite day) and I took some work home (but didn’t actually work on it till late Sunday evening). I was still exhausted and the office didn’t really expect me the rest of the week but I felt okay. I was starting my birthday weekend with a date.

Still 34....

Still 34….

23. Liliana’s teacher gave her a great report. She said that she was more advanced than some of the Pre-K kids going into Kindergarten and to continue doing what we’re doing at home. That made me happy! 🙂 So we went out for ice-cream.



I regretted it after. CHOCOLATE ICECREAM EVERYWHERE! Eh, we only live one.

24. P and I went to dinner while Mimi and my brother babysat. I gave them a bath before we left.



Kids waited for me to come home and sleep. Supposedly, Lili cried the minute I left.

25. My husband NEVER disappoints. He had a birthday letter and gift waiting for me early in the AM. He even wrapped it in the Outback bag that we had our leftovers in.

Bday Gift

Bday Gift

26. Lili helped me open it and immediately thought it was HER present. iPad Mini 3.

"Mommy, I love my new iPad"

“Mommy, I love my new iPad”

27. I was disappointed to learn that the kids infected my in-laws. 😦 I didn’t want to do anything on my actual birthday because I was so upset about it, but then I got another birthday surprise!!!!



My best friends SURPRISED me!!! I was so excited to see them. I ended up making breakfast for everyone and we chatted for at least two hours!!!

28. My favorite birthday cake — CARVEL with EXTRA CRUNCHIES.



29. After they left, kids napped and then we headed out to have a picnic at the park. There was a special event going on, and I got another SURPRISE. My SIL and the kids came.



30. The kids had a blast.

Sab + Bas

Sab + Bas

Jules + Lili

Jules + Lili

31. We got home and ate dinner. Then we celebrated my birthday one last time as the attorney I worked for bought me a cake!



Perfect way to end the evening.

31. My second run with the jogger. We did a 5 mile run and it was tough.



32. And of course, after every run there’s a park.

Rock Climbing

Rock Climbing

Lili has become a PRO at climbing! So proud of that kid.

33. Monday night came and the Lili asked to go the park… AGAIN. Yeah, we’re kind of playground junkies over here. I was thrilled that P met us after work. He’s been so busy it was nice to have him on work night.

Papa Rocks

Papa Rocks

34. New favorite shirts in the house.



Lili may wear that for the 90s party we have to attend on Saturday.

35. Yes, we have a themed party to go to on Saturday. 1990s is the year for a 30th Birthday. I looked up some 90s look. I am deciding on this… Found a pair of palazzo pants ($10.00) and cropped top ($6.00).

90s Party

90s Party

Not sure if I’m going with it though. I may go with the overalls look.

Phew, and there you have it. 35 updates for the 35 year old birthday gal.

Birthday wishes? To get my running speed back — maybe faster. More races.

Themed parties? Do you like them?

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day.

May Birthdays and An Anniversary

Today is our five year anniversary since we have been married, but we also got married on our “dating” anniversary four years prior. So, today we have been with each other for 9 years total. Happy Anniversary to US. After I drop Lili off at my parents, I’m meeting P at home and we’re going out to dinner. (Courtesy of my girlfriend Alison from Livestrong that sent us a gift certificate to a restaurant for Christmas! Thanks, Allie, Justin and Cayden). After dinner, we will pick up the kids and call it a night. P had work tomorrow and Lili has school. My parents will give the kids a bath though so at least they’ll be ready for bed.

Today is also my SIL’s birthday!!! Lili sends her birthday week countdowns. They’re adorable. I played the piano and she sang Happy Birthday to her.

Happy Birthday, Tia

Happy Birthday, Tia

She is celebrating her birthday in Florida this weekend. Hope you have a fabulous day, girl!

And yes, there are a lot of May birthdays (TAURUS IN THE HOUSE) that we have been celebrating. But a quick weekend recap — UH, yeah, on a Thursday. I’m so late.

On Saturday, I woke up and ran 6 miles. Then I had to bake brownies and get the kids ready. We were heading up north to visit some friends. First we had to pick up my BIL and the family.



Our friendds had a baby girl two months ago so we were finally meeting the newest addition and she is the cutest and most well-behaved baby ever.

Liana and Liliana

Liana and Liliana

With Baby Liana

With Baby Liana

SO MUCH BBQ on the grill, it was DELICIOUS.



The kids had a blast running back and forth.



Good times! After dropping off my BIL’s family, we got home around 11PM. I gave the kids a bath at Julie’s because I knew we would be home late. Glad I did that because it would have been awful waking them up for a bath and they needed on. B ate dirt and was pretty much covered in it.

Sunday morning, I woke up, ran 3-miles and then I had to bake. I was baking cookies, brownies and mac and cheese. We were celebrating my niece’s 6th birthday with family and friends.

Birthday Gal

Birthday Gal

Photobooth Fun

Photobooth Fun

Mommy & Lili

Mommy & Lili



Food was good. The face painter was a hit. It was a great time altogether.

The San Fam

The San Fam


I ended up getting pretty sick when we got home. I vomited twice — I think it was something I ate. P gave the kids a bath because I was so weak. I ended up having some toast and butter and then stayed in bed. We read books with the kids.

Favorite New Book

I highly recommend this book. It’s so educational and history made fun. Yesterday we learned about John Adams and Thomas Jefferson (both died on the same date, July 4). Thomas Jefferson was probably the smartest President ever. He’s the President responsible for the Louisiana Purchase. 🙂

After story time, lights went off and we were all knocked out.

Our week has been so busy. I even stopped at my former employer’s office for her 59th birthday. She’s the President of the American Dental Association.

Happy Birthday Doc

Happy Birthday Doc

She is like a celebrity. I worked for her for 15 years but have known her for 19 years. It’s crazy, I used to babysit her kids when they were 2 and 4. She has watched me grow through bad break-ups, getting engaged, getting married, having my kids, etc.

What’s the longest you’ve been at a job? Do you keep in touch with old employers? colleagues?
I have been working at my current job for 10.5 years. But the longest job was the Dr.’s office for 15-years.

What’s everyone doing for Memorial Day Weekend? Racing?

Hope everyone has a fun and safe Memorial Day!

TGIT (Because I am off tomorrow)!

Tired doesn’t even explain how I am feeling this morning. I thought that by the time B was a year, he’d start to wean off with wanting to be nursed. But I learned at 13 months when he wouldn’t even take cows milk that it wasn’t happening any time soon (I still pump milk once a day at work — which I am grateful for because I just learned that most offices won’t allow women to pump at work after 1-year). Maybe a year and a half — NOPE. And here we are, at 20 months and some days and he’s still nursing through the night. Some nights are better than others but last night was AWFUL. I apologize in advanced if this is TMI, but it is ROUGH when you have a toddler (I think he’s too big now to be called a “baby”?) latched on for hours on end.

SO yeah, that explains why I am so tired today. On top of it, I had a ton of things to do this morning. We had a rather busy evening so I didn’t get much accomplished last night when we got home. We stopped by my niece’s house to celebrate her birthday. She’s having a party on Sunday but I think it’s important to celebrate with kids on the actual day too. Just a few pics from last night.

Happy 6th Birthday

Happy 6th Birthday

The Gang

The Gang

The Godparents

The Godparents

Us with the Birthday Girl

Us with the Birthday Girl

Being Silly

Being Silly

Good times. I had planned to leave between 7:00-7:30 but we hit so much traffic getting to the house. So we left at 8:10. We were home by 8:38. I gave the kids a bath and then we read a few pages of a book I just bought for Lili.

The Preseidents

The Presidents

Lili nicknamed George Washington (The Father of our Country), “Georgie”. I give this book an A+. It’s a great way to teach your kids about the Presidents of the U.S.

I ran this morning and I have to say, it was chilly out. It was a sweater kind of day. (Just like yesterday). I mean, it’s supposed to warm up (low 70s). I’m glad I didn’t put the sweaters that my sister gave me away yet.



Did you put all your winter clothes away yet? Spring/Summer clothes out? What about your fall boots? How do you store your clothes? BINS?

Short hair? Long hair? Do you get tempted to cut in the summer? I need a new hairdo.

I’m almost done with my ice-coffee. And there’s 6 hours left in the workday. I hope I get through this day.

Let’s Catch-Up

Wow, talk about being out of the loop over here. After I got sick, both kids were sick and I ended up having to take B to the doctor’s on two separate occasions. He had a fever as high as 104 for 4-days straight and the doctor said it was just viral. A few days after, he broke out in a rash (nothing terrible) and I had a feeling it was Roseola. Sure enough, it was…

Sick Bubs

Sick Bubs

The rash went away within two days and he was back to himself. 🙂

So even though I’ve been gone, I’ve been keeping up with my runs/workouts. It’s been tough but I’m finally feeling like my runs are consistent and I am trying to find a good race to put in the books.

Today is my MIL’s birthday.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

After her hand surgery, she’s been in pain, but has been keeping her spirits high. I don’t know how she deals with the pain. I’m such a wimp when it comes to pain.

Anyway, we had our first weekend where nobody was sick (I mean, I still have this nagging cough, but nothing crazy), so we took advantage and drove down to P’s Alma mater. We decided to have a picnic at Rutgers Garden.

park 2

My Loves

My Loves

Tree Climbing

Tree Climbing

Obligatory Chair Pic

Obligatory Chair Pic

It was a great day. And the next day, we ended up staying in, doing arts and crafts and I baked my mac and cheese and my MIL’s delicious torta (it’s like a lemon pound cake).

Mac & Cheese

Mac & Cheese



And then I had to do so much laundry, clean out closets and then put away clothes. We had dinner at my sister’s a few nights ago and she was getting rid of clothes that no longer fit her. Turns out I scored three full bags.

New Clothes

New Clothes

The kids played while we were going through her closet.


We ended up leaving later than I had anticipated. B was sleeping and Lili was already winding it down with her cousin.


But yeah, this week at work has been pretty awesome because I don’t have to think about what I will wear. It’s been more of a “hmm, what won’t I wear to work?” this week.



So tonight, we’ll probably pick up a pizza pie and have dinner at my in-laws. I can’t wait to give her the gift we made.

DIY corkboard

DIY corkboard

We made her this cork board on Sunday’s arts and crafts night. And then we ordered her Ray-Bans.


She was asking for them recently so we bought them for her.

I think that’s enough catching up for now. Can’t wait to catch up with everyone else. I have this school multicultural project to work on for Lili that is due on Friday. Love when her school gives last minute projects.

How’s your week going?

What’s your ethnic background? I am Filipino (though I always like to add in the 1/8 Chinese from my great grandfather who was 100% Chinese) and P is 50% Spanish, 50% Ecuadorian.

Long Runch & Another Birthday

10-Mile Run – COMPLETED

I took a long lunch today. Yes, I did. And with that long lunch, I did a longer run. It was perfect running weather, albeit strong winds, the sun was out so it didn’t make it feel cold.

Passsss the Bottle

Passsss the Bottle

I am looking forward to a glass of wine and some french fries…

Today’s my FIL’s Birthday. Yes, two days after my MIL’s. But we’re not really sure if that’s really his birthday. He was born in Spain during the war and well, it took them days to get his birth certificate.



We are stopping by there to greet him. Hopefully not too long but I will most likely have my glass of wine there.

Keeping this short because I have so much work to do. HA! I think I’ll be done by 5.

Files, Files and Files...

Files, Files and Files…

What’s the longest you’ve run at lunch? Before today’s long run, the longest I’ve ran was 8-miles — but again, I took longer.

Anybody else have tan-lines from their runs yet?
I’m terrible, I haven’t used sunblock and I get dark FASSSSST.

Birthday Weekend

Workout: Chalean Extreme Push Circuit 2 + 75% of Lean Extreme – COMPLETED

I could post a gazillion pictures but I’ll try to keep it short. Last week was just a crazy week with preparing for Lili’s 2nd Birthday. It really was chaotic and because I had to run errands at lunch time, I had so sacrifice some good workouts. It’s okay though. I’m finally getting back into the swing of things, you know, right when the 90-degree weather and humidity kicks in. HA.

The Breakdown:

Friday: I got out of work early and we were able to finish up cleaning/straightening out the house and preparing for the party. I had a short but annoying to do list for Saturday so I was trying to keep it an early evening.

Saturday: Lili and I woke up early and we met up with Celeste at the Watchung Lake. YAY. We did 4.5-miles around the lake and took turns pushing Lili in her jogger. Of course, post-run, when Celeste and I were beat, she wanted more. No, no, no… It was time to go home so she could nap before her party.

Birthday Run

Birthday Run

I’m very BIG on birthday runs. Remember last year for her birthday, Lili and I went for a run. Anyhow, post run, I dropped her off to find my husband still sleeping. GRRRRR…. he should have been up already and at the supermarket. So I put her in bed with him and told him to make sure she napped. Then I ran out to the supermarket, picked up the necessities, stopped for bagels and then to pick up the balloons. By the time I got home, it was 11 and the subs were ready so I dropped everything off, told Pedro to eat and put the balloons together and then picked up the subs. Sheesh.

When I got home, I chomped down breakfast #2 and showered. Lili woke up shortly after and I gave her a bath and got her dressed. Then Pedro got ready and I did some final touches. It worked out great with time to spare. Everyone started to trickle in and we all just hung out, ate, drank and laughed.

Sanchez Familia

Sanchez Familia

Love & Happiness

Love & Happiness

Family left around 4:30 and a few people stuck around until almost 10. It was a long day and I was EXHAUSTED.

Sunday: I woke up and made Lili and myself some pancakes. It was good. I left the big mess (though Pedro did do some cleaning up) and then decided since it was going to be a gorgeous day that we could head over to the pool. We got there right when it opened. Perfect.

Yo Mom. What's the hold up here?

Yo Mom. What’s the hold up here?

Ahhhhhh... Nice & Cold

Ahhhhhh… Nice & Cold

Total Relaxation

Total Relaxation

Best Friends

Best Friends

I’ll post more pictures of her party in the next post. On a good note, I had my glucose test yesterday (well, it wasn’t so good while it was happening. I had to fast but then got nauseous which lead to me vomiting post-blood work). The good news is I PASSED. I wasn’t too worried. I passed last time. But still, the thought of having to do this all over again did not settle in my stomach right.

And a day late, but here’s the update. 26-weeks along and almost in the third and final trimester… Eek.

26-weeks + 2 years old.

26-weeks + 2 years old.

After Saturday’s festivities, Pedro decided he no longer wants to hosts events. He’s nuts. LOL

Do you like hosting events? Of course we always prefer going to them. HAHA.

A Day Late & A Year Older

7:00 AM: Chalean Extreme Push Circuit 2 – COMPLETED

Yesterday was my 33rd Birthday.

1st Birthday

1st Birthday

Happy Birthday to me!

We celebrated on Wednesday at my in-laws. It was kind of a joint birthday with my SIL who celebrated her birthday on May 21st.

Happy Birthday to US

Happy Birthday to US

It was gorgeous out so Lili was outside most of the time. She went for a walk and did lots of rolling in the grass. When I went out to get them for cake, she gave me this rose.

Rose from my Lili

Rose from my Lili

Isn’t she the cutest? Needless to say, the kid needed a bath.

The next morning, (my actual birthday) I woke up and text Tamar that there was no way I was meeting her at 6AM for a run. I slept in a little longer and Lili and I peeled out of bed by 6:30. We were about to leave but needed to fill our water bottles up and on the fridge I found a note from P.

A Birthday Surprise

A Birthday Surprise

I was SHOCKED since I wasn’t expecting ANY gifts.

What's with the Penguins?

What’s with the Penguins?

Lovely. The only wrapping paper he could find in the house. Of course, he left a “clue” of the gift.

Hmm.. What could it be?

Hmm.. What could it be?

Can I just say, “BEST.HUSBAND.EVER.” I had no idea he was even getting me anything, let alone an iPad 4 — HUH?!#!@#@$ He did good.

I was so excited and pumped with energy that Lili and I finally headed out for a run.

Best Running Partner Ever

Birthday Run with the Buns

Not even .25-miles into the run, Lili said, “Mommmmmmy… I RUN!” Psh… what do you mean, YOU RUN? She’s just sitting there eating her cheerios and watching Elmo. Cool breeze to her face and I’m huffin’ and puffin’ pushing her along. It was good though. We had a great morning together. Post-run, I hydrated and then showered and got ready to go to work. I dropped Lili off and got some birthday goodies. A sweet $200 check from my parents and new pair of running shoes from sis and niece.

Let's Run.

Let’s Run.

I got to work 10-minutes late and had a few things to take care of in the morning. By 12, Kristina was here for a short birthday run.

Birthday Runs are so much Fun.

Birthday Runs are so much Fun.

We stopped at Red Mango so I could pick up goodies for the girls in the office. I had my girlfriend (old co-worker, Jacquie) stopping by for lunch with the baby). Before parting ways, Kristina had a birthday gift for me… The SWEETEST gift ever — no really it’s so yummy and sweet.



She knows I crave watermelons after each and EVERY run. HAHAH. The perfect gift. I’m eating some now.

Jacquie showed up at 1:20 and pretty much stayed until 4:30. I was working in-between diaper changes. Pretty Mila pooped 3x. She was too precious even when she would poop.

The rest of the evening was low-key. YES, low-key. I picked up Lili, headed home, we played restaurant and hair salon, ordered pizza, I took a shower, gave Lili a bath and put her down to sleep. I hung out with Pedro and um, yeah, he pretty much played with my iPad the entire time. Hmmm… a gift for him or me?!?

In any event, I’m freaking out now because I know he wants a gift. And not one gift but TWO. Oye. June is a crazy month I tell you. Father’s Day is coming up, Lili’s birthday and then, his!!! Gulp. What to get, what to get?!?!?

Do you celebrate your birthday big? Do you get/give big gifts? What was the biggest gift you got for your birthday?


MDW: The Weekend Edition

11:45 AM: 4.5-Mile Run – COMPLETED

Hi Friends. I’m a day late and a dollar short on this post-Memorial Day weekend. I ended up taking the day off yesterday and I’m kind of glad I did. I don’t know if this is allergies or if I’m coming down with something, but I’m waiting to hear back from my OB/GYN if I could run today. We kept going back and forth via text on what I could take, etc. I’m debating on whether I should make an appointment — but let me get back to that later. Let’s start with the weekend breakdown.

Friday: I got out of work around 2 and stopped at the bank. Then I headed over to Jacquie’s house to finally meet baby Mila Jo. She was just about to turn a month old and I had taken so long to finally meet her. She is just beautiful and full of personality already.

Introducing Mila Jo

Introducing Mila Jo

Aunt Rachel & Mila

Aunt Rachel & Mila

I held her the entire time until I had to pee. She’s pretty heavy. I’m practicing for #2.

I picked up Lili close to 5:30 (normal time) and then headed home where Pedro decided to WALK on the treadmill. WOAH. We decided to order pizza for dinner!!!! My favorite. The rest of the night was just laid back and relaxing (well for me at least).

Saturday: The weather outside was dreary, wet and cold. Lili woke up with a runny nose. Ugh. Pedro didn’t get to bed until after 4:30 so I woke up, made breakfast then decided to work out. I did 3-miles on the treadmill followed by weights. After, we decided to work on my SIL’s birthday card.

Crafts 101

Crafts 101

The Masterpiece

The Masterpiece

Pedro finally woke up when Lili was going down for a nap. When she woke up, we hung out in the man-cave.

Looks Better on ME.

Looks Better on ME.

Then Lili and P talked to the baby for a bit.

Conversations with Baby #2

Conversations with Baby #2

Pedro finally decided AGAIN to walk on the treadmill, so Lili and I got to baking. Our SIL was having a birthday BBQ on Sunday. I was making the brownies.

Baking Wars

Baking Wars

Lili decided to help out.

Let's BAKE

Let’s BAKE

And I decided to make the Skinny Funfetti Cookies, thanks to Chelsea.

Whaaa? 77-Calories?

Whaaa? 77-Calories?

After, we ate leftovers and cleaned up.

FINALLY, some SUN! Ahhhhh… I made homemade pancakes for breakfast with fresh fruits. YUM. I tried my best to get Lili down to sleep but it took me an HOUR. By that time I had to get ready for the party. Ugh.

We got to the BBQ at 2:30.

Primas in their matching Jean Jackets

Primas in their matching Jean Jackets

Cheese or Juice?

Cheese or Juice?

All Smiles

All Smiles

Stank Face with the Birthday Girl

Stank Face with the Birthday Girl

La Familia

La Familia

We left around 6pm and I was EXHAUSTED, not to mention, I ended up getting a terrible headache. When we got home, I gave Lili a bath and then laid down with her. At 9:30, I vomited EVERYTHING I ate. Not fun. Though, after vomiting everything, the baby was so active, it was then that Pedro felt the baby kick so many times. Always priceless.

Monday: Another gorgeous day. Lili and I woke up and made more pancakes. Then I finally decided to get a run in. 5-miles on the treadmill (unfortunately).

5-miles + 22-weeks

5-miles + 22-weeks

Oh yeah, and we’re 22-weeks pregnant. Fun times. Lili took a long nap and I FINALLY started the laundry. EIGHTS LOADS OF LAUNDRY!!! HOLY CRAP. While that was going on, I cleaned all of her toys — and rotated things around.

P had chores of his own that included working on the yard… When Lili woke up, we decided to go play outside. We took her wagon that we had from last summer ($10 at the consignment store) and cleaned it off. Then we went on a long walk.

Wagon Fun

Wagon Fun

We played with bubbles and then went back for a walk. When we got back our neighbors were outside. They have a kid almost the same age as Lili so she came over and Lili was so excited. They played a bit together but the other girl, Jamie, was shy.

New Friends

New Friends

I was so excited for Lili Hopefully they will play more together. When the girl went back in, Lili and I went inside for a quick bite to eat. We came back out for ONE more walk. She was LOVING it.

We went inside for good by 4 and I started dinner (and another load of laundry). I got through at least 6 that day. We ate dinner and then had baths.

Back to rainy and cold days. Ugh. Oh, and Monday night I had terrible sleep. I could hardly breathe. Thankfully Lili was okay. Her nose had stopped running. When we woke up, we ate breakfast and then I did another load of laundry, FOLDED ALL of the laundry, packed away TWO bags of clothes for donations (still have so much more to go through) and started cleaning out Lili closet. I had to get rid of small clothes and then take out summer. I had to shower before my doctor’s appt.

22-week update: Everything’s great and going well. Baby’s heartbeat was 160 and kicking a lot. Next visit 06/24 for my glucose test. Boo. Gotta love fasting.

After my appointment, we met up with this pretty lady for lunch at Penang.

Malaysian and Thai

Malaysian and Thai

It was her first time there. We chatted for at least 2-hours before parting ways. She went wine tasting and picked me up two bottles of red. So excited post-pregnancy.



We were back home by 2:30 where Lili fell fast asleep in the car. Thank goodness she was still sleeping when I brought her in. I tackled the last of the laundry (folded and put away). Then finished her closet.



I started to work on my closet but just got to shoes and some of the clothes. It’s still a mess and I need to finish it up tonight since I have the cleaning lady coming tomorrow.

What’s the most laundry you’ve had in your entire lift?
I think mine was at least 15 but that was when P and I first moved in together and he wanted to wash everything. How annoying. I think this pretty much tops it. I refuse to let it happen again though.

Do you run through your allergies? Do you cough with allergies?

I’m trying to figure out, is this a cold or allergies…

At least it’s a short week for me. Happy Hump Day.