Supporting My Running & Walking Friends

I have two friends that are Fundraising for wonderful causes and any spare change will help if you would like to donate. You can click on their link to read more about them and the charity that they are running for, if you are interested. No pressure, of course. I like to support my running friends because I know my running and non-running friends are always so supportive of my events.

My one friend, Evelyn, a long time friend since grammar school, is participating in March of Dimes this coming May.

Click here, to read and donate for Evelyn’s charity.

Another friend, Jen, I met through Girls on the Run. She ran NYC Marathon last 2009 for her father and is running Solemates Half Marathon this year. She’s also going to be designing my baby’s nursery. We’re so excited and can’t wait to share that project with you all… in another post. So you have to stay tuned for that entry. It’s going to be an exciting adventure.

Click here, to read and/or donate on Jen’s charity that she is running in May.

So if you have the time, please take a look.

She can call me Mommy

6:50 AM: 3-Mile Run – COMPLETED

I had a rough night of sleep. Well, it was my fault completely. I got caught up reading one of my favorite Danielle Steel novels that I first read 15-years ago, The Promise. I don’t know what made me want to read this book again, but I read straight through from 6:30-midnight. Yeah, I finished it. Then I relocated into the bedroom where I finally dozed off at 12:30.

On the brighter side of things, Baby Sanchez was kicking away late. Even this morning. So I was happy as can be. I woke up and snoozed a few times, resetting my alarm but never really letting it go off. I finally peeled myself out at 6:20 and got our lunches together. Then I laced up for a 3-mile run. I was in a rush since I wanted to get to my parents house for breakfast.

I was so happy to see my oh-so-cute niece, and more happier that this time she wasn’t sleeping like she was on Monday. She was looking out the window and the Buzz Lightyear box that my dad threw out on the curb and pointing, “Buzz! Buzz!” Then we laughed and hugged.

She sat next to me while I ate breakfast. She took some of my cheese and pop-pop (what she calls my dad) was feeding her some sausages. Such a big girl. After, we went over to the living room to roll around and play. She was having a ball. My mom gave Baby Sanchez his/her first book.

As soon as Scarlett saw the book, she wanted it for herself. It was too funny. She took the book, and then mamala (what she calls my mom) took it away from and told her it was for the baby. Then she gave Scarlett her own book, but Scarlett wasn’t having it.

She took the book, sat on my lap and opened it up for me to read to her. I was teaching her shapes and colors and objects. She was having a ball.

She’s too cute. I kept asking her to smile for me so I could take a cute pic of her.

Initially it wasn’t working.

Still not convincing… and this was with me begging her to smile.

Much better (minus the crumb on her mouth). Scarlett definitely takes after her aunt Rachel when it comes to eating. I am notorious for having crumbs everywhere. HA!

When it was time for me to leave, Scarlett had a sourpuss face on and her lips started to quiver. She called me mommy and didn’t want me to leave. It broke my heart. Is this how it’s going to be when I leave my baby at my mom and dad’s house next Fall? I know I mentioned this in a past post, but wow… it was definitely hard. At least for now, I’m getting used to it.

I’m glad I started my Hump Day seeing my beautiful, precious, fun niece. She brightens my day.