A Surprise Visitor & Doctor’s Appointments

On Monday, my boss brought her daughter to work since she’s on Spring Break. Can you believe she has two full weeks off? They’re going away this afternoon for a week, so Monday-Wednesday of this week, they needed to make sure she was preoccupied.

I remember when I first started here, she was just 3-4 years old. Now, she’s all grown up. She turned 8 on October 10th (this year it was 10/10/10). She was such good company on Monday. She helped me out by making some copies, sending out some mail, and even had a chance to enjoy herself. She kept herself pretty occupied with some projects and watched Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 .

It was pleasant and a very easy, but a pretty busy day. The attorney I work for was trying to get as much done as possible as she is leaving for her trip for a week. When she’s busy, I’m busy. I was also a wee bit tired with minimal sleep the night before. With the hour change the day before and my little falling incident, it was painful to be at work.

I’m not sure if I mentioned that I fell on Sunday night. Well, it was more Monday morning since it was 2:00 AM. I got up to pee, because that’s what pregnant women do, and as I’m walking out our bedroom door, I somehow manage to trip over or roll over my foot and land sideways on the ground. I break my fall with my arm and hands. It was seriously, one of those, “I’ve fallen and can’t get up!” moments. Pedro just so happened to be using the bathroom and all I could hear is him saying, “ARE YOU OKAY? WHAT’S HAPPENING?!?” I must have hit my face on the ground also because I had my hand on my face, rubbing it. He thought I was crying, but I was like, “I fell. I don’t know how.” He helped me up and my left foot was hard to walk on. I was holding my belly to check on the baby. I was completely freaked out. I used the bathroom and then slowly walked back to bed. Pedro got me some ice to put on my foot but then he didn’t want me to fall asleep with it, so took it off 15-minutes later. The baby was moving around and kicking, but I was still apprehensive. I had a doctor’s appointment the next morning, so I felt somewhat relieved, but it didn’t make it any easier to fall back asleep. The baby was kicking away and Pedro kept reassuring me that the baby is okay. He kept telling me to just go back to sleep. I was also massaging my foot because it was in some pain. Finally, I dozed off around 4:15ish, which left me less than 3 hours of sleep before having to wake up for work.

My scars and bruises are healing even though they look worse from the initial day.

The cut has scabbed over. It has a little bruise on the side, too. Painful when I touch it by accident or I lean over and forget it’s there…

I know this looks so tiny, but it actually hurts more than it looks. I read in a few books and forums that falls are common during pregnancy and not to worry. I wasn’t too worried since I knew I broke my fall with my hands and arms. I didn’t land on my belly or butt. There’s a lot of amniotic fluid in the womb protecting the baby.

I had my glucose test the next morning – so between the fall, not sleeping enough and fasting since the night before, I was a hot mess. No really. I was half asleep and not feeling this appointment. I definitely wanted it to be done and over with since I was good all weekend with no sweets. I’ve heard a lot of people not passing or having to further test if they didn’t fall within guidelines. The last thing I needed was to be on a diet. I love my sugar and sweets daily.

Dr. Appointment went like this: I peed in a cup, she took my weight (I gained a pound from two weeks ago, which leaves me at an 8-lb gain at 25 weeks and 6-days), she pricked my finger and I drank a flat sugary drink out of a dixie cup. It wasn’t too nasty, but I couldn’t eat anything for an hour. I asked about my “fall’ and she said I am just fine. There’s nothing to worry about, and I fell on my side. I went back into the waiting room where I read a book. Then my OB/GYN comes out calling my name asking me if I’ll be volunteering for a race in April. I said sure, and she said she was putting me on the list. I went back to reading, but felt a bit nauseous. A girlfriend of mine walks in. She also coaches for Girls on the Run, and we hadn’t seen each other since our party with the kids (late November). We just so happen to both be running the Women’s More Half Marathon on April 3rd, so I was giving her some tips on the course and reviews. Finally, an hour went by and I got blood drawn and ATE my banana as fast as I could. They said they’d call me if the results were not good. But being the type of person I am (the annoying, I need to know “pass or fail” person), I called them to ask a random question. Good news, my glucose level was 120. Anything over 130 calls for attention and further testing. So I was happy. No, really. I went home and ate chocolate.

Next appointment, in two weeks, and then we’re on our way to every two-week appointments instead of every four-weeks. WOW. Time is just flyin’ on by.

Friday Night, Date Night

6:45 AM: 5-Mile Run – COMPLETED

It was pouring kittens and puppies out this morning (that’s the term I’ll use for light rain), that later turned into cats and dogs — so I mustered myself to Milton. Milton is Pedro’s nickname for the treadmill. 5-miles went by pretty fast, which was good since I had a number of things to cross off my list this morning. Unfortunately, I never made it over to my dad’s to see the baby, but we are having dinner with him tonight.

I’m a little bit behind with the posts, I know. I had such a crazy weekend, so bare with me.

Friday night, I had a date night with my husband. We had tickets to the Nets game. We had pretty decent seats, I mean, not right next to Kim Kardashian, as you know she’s dating Kris Humprhies on the Nets.

Anyhow, the game was fun. Pedro and I got some food since we didn’t have time to eat at home. We were lucky that two people didn’t show up so we had enough arm space and room to wiggle around and be comfortable. The last time I was sitting in between P and a bigger guy. I felt so squished.

There just so happened to be a lot of LA Clippers fans, definitely because of Griffin. You know, since he won the Slam Dunk contest. Everyone just seems to jump on the wagon.

The Nets were losing by 20-points, but they caught up and almost one last second except Griffin was fouled. Luckily, he missed one shot and that brought us into OT!!!

At this point of the game, I couldn’t hold my bladder any longer — I couldn’t believe the long line to get into a stall… I missed 3-minutes of OT. When I got back to my seat, the final two minuets dragged out a bit, but in the end…

For those of you that don’t know Kris Humphries, he’s the guy on TV under the final score.

What do you think? Do they make a good looking couple?

It was a great game. We were home by 10:30 and I needed to get some shuteye for work the next morning. I’m glad we got to see a good game.