Great News & 25-Weeks Pregnant


I’m trying to get this entry out before I get my run in. Hopefully I get through my run without any major problems. I shouldn’t be running too late either since I’ve already packed both our lunches, washed the dishes, etc. after dinner. Oh, and thank goodness I prepped dinner early yesterday morning. It was ready to just go right in the oven and the potatoes were ready to be boiled. I won’t have to cook dinner for the next three-days (well, depending if we have dinner with my in-laws tomorrow night).

When I got out of work yesterday, I stopped by Seabra’s (a Portuguese grocery store) to pick up some fresh breads, milk, etc. The bread was so yum. I had some with my leftover linguine with clam sauce. I ate well before Pedro was ready to eat, mainly because he had to hit the treadmill. By the time he was done with his workout, dinner was ready. Going back to Seabra’s, while I was shopping, Pedro called me. I got a little worried because he knew I was stopping by for groceries, but he had some great news. An important document came in the mail.

He can finally teach!!!! Only took a year, but in reality, it only took 3-weeks, which was odd because it says (and we’ve heard from other people) that it takes up to 8-10 weeks just to hear back from the Education Department. How exciting that his process was quick. Perhaps it’s from him scoring in the Top 15% percentile? or maybe it’s because they saw his praxis was taken way back in March ’10? In any event, Pedro is going to be looking for new jobs today on top of registering to take either the praxis for high school History or Social Science. I think that exam is some time in April. I’m so proud of him. I just hope there are jobs lined up.

In other news, today marks my 25th week of pregnancy. Let’s take a look at what’s going on. (This is taken from What to Expect When You’re Expecting by Heidi Murkoff and SHaron Mazel).

“Week 25. Baby’s growing by leaps and bounds (and inches and ounces), this week reaching 9-inches in length more than 1 1/2 pounds in weight. And there are exciting elopements happening on the horizon, too. Capillaries are forming under the skin and filling with blood. By week’s end, air sacs lined with capillaries will also develop in your baby’s lungs, getting them ready for that first breath of fresh air. Mind you, those lungs aren’t ready for prime-time breathing yet – and they have a lot of maturing left ot do before they will be. Though they’re already beginning to develop, a substance that will help them expand after birth, your baby’s lungs are still too undeveloped to sufficiently send oxygen to the bloodstream and release carbon dioxide from the blood (a/k/a breathe). And talking abut breathing, your baby’s nostrils, which have been plugged up until now, are starting to open up this week. This enables your baby to begin taking practice “breaths”. Your baby’s vocal cords are functioning now, leading to occasional hiccups (which you’ll certainly be feeling).”

My 25-week bump shot.

Those are sleep marks, not stretch marks. HA. I just woke up and took this picture. One thing that has me a bit down is that the baby is not kicking as much (or maybe it’s during the day he/she’s not kicking much… I’m too tired to notice when I’m sleeping) right now, and I thought it would be happening more often. I know everybody’s body is different, but I love feeling those kicks.

I’m off for a run. Hopefully it’s not brutally difficult to get through it.