Happy Birthday, Daddy-O

9:00 AM: 5.25-Mile Group Run – COMPLETED

We were on schedule to run 8-miles, but here’s how it went down. The trail was finally cleared of snow, aside from some snow patches here and there. It’s about 3-miles of a trail path, then 5-miles back to the park site. At the start of our run, me and pregnant Courtney were in front of my OB/GYN (also the Director of the running group). She was running with someone else and made a cute comment, “I have to keep an eye on my pregnant girls!” Then she passed right on by. Too funny.

Around mile 4, Courtney needed to use the bathroom, so we found a firehouse. We both used the rest room and then continued on. Courtney started feeling dizzy, so we slowed it down, and we stopped. She put her head between her knees and took some deep breaths. We continued on running. By 4.5-miles, she needed to stop again. We rested on a log and she put her head between her knees again. Of course, the day she decided NOT to run with her phone would be the day that we needed it. We power-walked a bit and then I flagged down a biker. Fortunately, he had his cell on him, so we called her husband. He picked us up and we headed back to the site. She felt a lot better after some sugar – Trail Mix and a munchkin. I checked on her after lunch and she is definitely 100% better. She felt bad about the run, but I told her not a problem. Most important thing is she is recovered.

So tomorrow, I will run my 10-mile run and I’ll be squared away. Unfortunately, it’s going to be pouring. It was such a beautiful day today also. Oh well. I finally reattached my foot pod to my running shoes. Awhile back, I had taken it off to put on my spin shoes to see how many calories I was burning. I won’t lie, I am way overdue for new running shoes, so my next paycheck (or maybe tax refund) I can buy mama a new pair of shoes.

Anyhow, I’m right on schedule with my runs and workouts. I’m feeling pretty good about my upcoming 10-mile race. I still have two weeks to go, so next week, I go back to work on Saturday and then Sunday, Courtney, Emma and I will run 8-miles together (with trail mix and cell phone in hand).

In other news, I got home from the park at around 11:45. Pedro was still in the shower so as soon as he hopped out, I hopped in. I blow-dried my hair, put on some make up and we headed over to a Japanese Buffet for my dad’s birthday lunch. It was nice, but I am not a buffet person (both pre-pregnant and pregnant). I get full way too easily. We split the bill with my brother, and then gave dad his birthday gift. He wanted the new cologne by Chanel, Bleu. It smells so good. Just in case you’re thinking of a birthday gift to give your significant other or for Father’s Day.

Me, birthday boy and my mom. I wore my new shoes that I bought yesterday at the mall. They’re so cute and comfortable. Did I mention I stopped at the mall after work on Friday? We got out at 3:30, so since I needed to get my dad a birthday gift, I decided to walk around a bit.

Adds about 4-inches to my height. I love that they feel so comfortable.

Okay, time to catch up with my magazines. I just go the new Self magazine and Runners World.
I saw a good workout that I want to try next week. I’ll keep you posted.