Supporting My Running & Walking Friends

I have two friends that are Fundraising for wonderful causes and any spare change will help if you would like to donate. You can click on their link to read more about them and the charity that they are running for, if you are interested. No pressure, of course. I like to support my running friends because I know my running and non-running friends are always so supportive of my events.

My one friend, Evelyn, a long time friend since grammar school, is participating in March of Dimes this coming May.

Click here, to read and donate for Evelyn’s charity.

Another friend, Jen, I met through Girls on the Run. She ran NYC Marathon last 2009 for her father and is running Solemates Half Marathon this year. She’s also going to be designing my baby’s nursery. We’re so excited and can’t wait to share that project with you all… in another post. So you have to stay tuned for that entry. It’s going to be an exciting adventure.

Click here, to read and/or donate on Jen’s charity that she is running in May.

So if you have the time, please take a look.

5 thoughts on “Supporting My Running & Walking Friends

  1. You actually helped me with my first thing to do for Lent! I am going to contribute to your running friends. πŸ™‚

    • You know, I was telling Pedro last night about your wonderful idea – about not giving something up for lent, but doing ONE nice thing throughout lent. I hope you don’t mind, but I am going to be taking your idea! ;o)

      Now I have to think of what I can do today. I was thinking of sending out cards to a few friends that I know have been having a rough time. Just a “thinking of you” card with the music. I always think it’s nice to get cards from people out of nowhere.

  2. Nope, take my idea all you want. I just thought it made sense to do that…I like the idea of consciously doing something thoughtful, helpful, useful etc. a day throughout lent. At least then we are helping others too, right?

    Great idea with the cards…that really means so much to people who are having a rough time.

    So far, I contributed to your running friends on one day and sent a quick note to my grandmothers with some pictures another day. I haven’t decided what to do today yet…. My legal assistant’s in-laws both broke their hips in the last week so I am thinking of doing something for them today. I’m just sure what yet….

    • My girlfriends were very grateful for your donation and think you are the sweetest thing ever! Thank you for your support in their charities. You are awesome.

      I didn’t end up getting the cards yesterday. Instead, I stopped by the market place and picked up some of my dad’s favorite bread! He was happy with it. I’m not sure what I will do today though – Oh, I stopped by the bakery to get my girlfriend her pizza dough and rolls so that she didn’t have to go this morning. It’s out of her way and it was on my way. So I thought that would be helpful.

      Such a great idea you came up with!

      • One of your friends, Jen, even sent me an email thanking me. πŸ™‚

        It sounds like you did several helpful things so you are doing well!

        I’m glad you like the idea…it just seemed more productive than giving something up. That would really only benefit me but not anyone else. This way, others benefit and we benefit by doing something nice for others!

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