Work Shmurk

7:00 AM: 4.5-Mile Run – COMPLETED

I’m on my third day of pound cake and sliced bananas for breakfast. I’m not sick of it yet. It usually takes me about two full weeks to get sick of a certain meal. But, this pound cake, toasted or not toasted, tastes divine. It hits the spot and I’m pretty sure the baby likes it.

I had my 4-week check up at the doctor’s yesterday. It went well. As soon as she saw me, she asked me how I made out with the running group and if I was there last week (she had to run an 18-mile run so she wasn’t there). She also asked if I’d be there this Saturday and I said yes, I’m even joining. I decided to bite the bullet and join my first running group. I’m thrilled.

Updates: As of yesterday, I was 24-weeks to the day. I gained a total of 7 lbs. My B/P was 120/70 and the baby’s heartbeat was 155 bpm. Pretty fast, if you ask me. I as so excited to hear baby was doing good. I even asked if there was some note on the sex in my file, but not to tell me – can you believe there was NO note?!? I don’t think they could find my lab report or something. I have to schedule my glucose test in two weeks (3/14) and she told me not to eat sweets two days prior to appt. Also, I have to fast, so I scheduled it first thing in the morning. Appointment will take about an hour. Then I have my last 4-week appointment at the end of this month, and from there, I go every two weeks. CRAZY!!!! Even my doctor couldn’t believe I was already 24-weeks. I’m getting so excited. June will be here before we know it.

I did ask her a few questions, whether I should be concerned about only gaining 7 lbs. She said that back then, by 24-weeks, you should be about 12 lbs. up, but now and days, it’s not a main concern. She’s happy with how my belly looks and how the baby sounds. She thinks I’m on the right track. I also asked her about running my two races in the next 2 and 4 weeks. She also said that as long as I run it for fun and don’t set personal goals in my head, then I will be okay. She said after Boston Marathon, a week after she ran another race and wanted to run it in 70-minutes. She said she overdid it and she was too tired after to run anymore. So just as long as I pace myself, I’m okay to run. I plan to just run for fun, no being competitive. I also asked her about coaching one more season, and she said that is fine. Overall a very good appointment.

Though, she did announce to everyone that she couldn’t believe how I ate so much pizza last week with two doughnuts right after. She made it seem like I was breaking records, though she did add how tiny I was so she didn’t know how I could eat all of it. Obviously, I couldn’t, because I threw it all up. HA.

After my doctor’s appointment, I raced back to the office because I was famished. I usually eat lunch anywhere between 12-1pm and it was already 1:45. So I came in and ate, but also had a pile of work waiting for me. Not fun. I didn’t have any time to finish it, so this is what my desk looked like this morning.

I better get to work. The big boss leaves for Israel today for two weeks. I may go out to lunch to get my bubble tea. I’ve been crrrrraaaavvvvvinnnnggg it.