October Love

October is my favorite month of the year (and none of our birthdays happen to be this particular month — though Sebastian was supposed to be born on 10/02/13).  From fall running/racing to endless hayrides and pumpkin patches, October is by far the best month ever.  And because you all know I’m a big planner,  I made sure to plan for some great fall activities.


Recap of what we’ve done so far:

1. Okay, this doesn’t count for October because it was 9/29, but we attended Lili’s paint monthly paint night with her school.  We love going.

Too much fun with the little folks.

2. B came with  me to the office one day and he was totally good.

3. We had a 4-day weekend for the Jewish holidays and Lili started the day off with yoga at the library. (10/01/16).

While she did yoga, P and Sebastian hung out on the story-time rug.


4. Monday (10/3), I took the kids to a pumpkin patch right down the street.

And when we came home, I made dinner while they painted said pumpkins.

B went down for a nap and then we started baking Halloween cookies.  He woke up in the middle of our bake-off.


And then we went to the library (yes, all the same day).

Lili read a book to Connor and she did fantastic.


and then we came home.

5.The kids had another day off but I didn’t so I needed to take off (10/4).  Of course Lili wanted to know what our plans were for the day. So we went to another pumpkin patch down the street.

And we are trying to practice B’s smile.


After we picked more pumpkins, we stopped at Target to pick up a few things and then we headed home to paint the pumpkins. HA.


Told you, we are trying to get this smile down.

We also finished up our bats and hung them up.


6.  On Friday, I picked up Mimi’s brother and we headed into the city to pick our bibs for Brooklyn Rock N Roll Half Marathon.  We took the train from my office and it went pretty smooth.

After we picked up our bibs, we had time to stop over Time Square. Every single time he visits, he has to take an obligatory Time Square photo.


We had to catch the 12:46 train back in order for me to get the kids from school so we were pretty pressed for time but he was happy to get his pic in.

After I picked the kids up, we dropped off Ralph and came home to eat a quick dinner before heading to Pump it Up with some friends.



Kids had a ton of fun.  After pump it up, we had to run over to the super market and then we were home by 8PM. Ugh. I still had to give a kids a bath, put them down and then lay out race clothes.


I was in bed by 11 PM, later than I like to be before a race.

6. 10/08/16 RACE DAY!  I woke up quarter to 5 and ate breakfast.  My brother scooped me up by 5:50 AM and he drove us into Brooklyn.  Quick sidenote: as we are getting dropped off, Ralph realizes he left his BIB at HOME!!! Oh my GOD. I thought he was going to have a hard time getting in but it all worked out.


I pretty much paced him. He wanted to come in around 2:25-2:20.


It was a good time. I know he was hurting towards the end but we pushed through and came in at 2:22 AND not only was he thrilled but he had a PR.


Our siblings had awesome signs for us.


Then we had to walk 2-miles back to the car. HA! But it wasn’t bad. We were home before noon and I showered and put B down for a nap.  Then I made an early dinner and we carved pumpkins in the evening.


Isn’t it pretty? The kids got a little bored of cleaning out of pumpkins part, so I had them make construction paper pumpkins on the side.


7.  Columbus Day I had to work but kids had off (10/10/16) but I promised them that once I picked up kids I would take them to Kidz Village.

They had a blast and didn’t give me hard time when it was time to leave.  Probably because they were about to close their doors.

8.  I was swamped at the office on Tuesday so my sister in law was able to pick up Lili from school and take her out before dropping her off at my office.


They had fun together.

9.  I was OFF yesterday (10/12/16) for the Jewish holiday and so were the kids so guess what we did??? We met up with my soley, Cici, for a track workout (tomorrow happens to be our 4 year runniversary).  Did I tell you she’s 22-weeks pregnant???


We were dripping post workout.  I didn’t have a sitter, so I made sure to pack their bag and was praying that the field wouldn’t be packed and lucky us… hardly anyone at the track!!! I love when that happens.


They would occasionally join me for half a lap.


I can’t take their cuteness.  And can I tell you how stinkin’ cute Lili would be when I was doing a recovery lap?


She would bring water for me on the side. I swear I felt like I was an elite runner. HA! When we said our goodbyes to Cici, we headed over to look for Halloween costumes for Lili.  We already ordered Sebastian’s.

We were there for awhile trying on costumes and then she finally picked up. I’ll have the winner posted soon.

When we came home I had to cook lunch, prep dinner, put B down for a nap, do laundry and then we did more Halloween arts/crafts.


What a great time we had, especially making these puppets.

10.  Saying goodbye.  While in the midst of cooking lunch, prepping dinner, doing laundry, feeding kids, etc. Mimi and her brother stopped by to say bye to the kids.


Next time we’ll see him is when we head out to San Francisco for my brother and his sister’s wedding.

Do you dress up for Halloween? Do you do Halloween races? I signed up for a 5k and a half marathon this Spring. I am thinking of a Spring marathon but haven’t really been looking around.

Did you ever run a Rock N Roll series? Brooklyn was my first. It was nice.Not too overcrowded.  The medals are actually REALLY nice.

I’m not in tomorrow so hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!


First Week of School & DIY

6-Mile Run

The kids started school a week ago and it went pretty well.  It’s difficult when the kids are in two different schools.  It means having to miss one of their first days but P and I worked it out.  I went with Sebastian and P went with Lili. Unfortunately, Lili was not happy with this arrangement (and she even cried) so I promised her I would go the next day.

I was apprehensive about Sebastian even though we did a few weeks of camp.  He seemed excited but then he would cling onto my leg.  He kept saying that he wanted me.  So I moved around the classroom until I found something to keep him busy.


I left him as happy as could be. And when I picked him up, he was even happier.


It was a successful first day of school. Of course P has to drop off Lili and he doesn’t take pics like I do… She also had a successful first day of Kindergarten, so I took these two the last times I did drop off.

The teacher was fully aware that it was Sebastian’s birthday on Sunday so she told me if I wanted to bring something in for the kids, I could do so that Friday.  Sebastian’s face lit up when he saw me bring him balloons.

I brought some munchkins in for him. He was happy.

Lili has been happy with school too, especially since I walk her some morning.

She happens to be the only girl on our block with four boys her age.  It’s kind of cute.

Since our biggest daycare supports (my in-laws are in Spain and my dad will be hospitalized) aren’t around, P and I are all over the place with drop offs and pick ups.  Our deal right now we alternate drops off in the AM and scramble for pick-ups in the PM.  I ended up making an nifty calendar that I absolutely LOVE.


You could use paint chips from Home Depot or Loews, but if you recall I’m an arts/crafts hoarder. Anyhow, all you need are 2×2 colorful cards, 16×20 frame, double-sided tape, and washable thin expo markers.


Yeah, I go a little crazy.


A LOT OF PLANNING!! And, I absolutely love my new planner.


It’s like a scrapbook/planner.  I purchased this one at Michael’s.  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!

Big thing about pick-ups for the next few weeks is I HAVE TO WORKOUT IN THE MORNING!!! I mean, I always do workout in the AM, but sometimes if I miss it, I am able to squeeze something in at lunch.

Do you plan your day out? Week? Month? Do you use a planner or outlook calendar? I am a planner whore, for lack of a better word, HA. I’m always looking for something new, but I think I’ll stick to this one for as long as I can.