Indian Summer: Part II

3:00 PM: Track Workout – PENDING 5.20-Miles (1.2-Mi WU; 5k @7:53; 8:11; 8:08) 1-Mi CD – COMPLETED

I have had a track workout on tap! I don’t know why but those give me butterflies… We’ll see how I do. A trial 5k! Eek.

Getting back to my weekend (I know… when does it end?), I woke up close to 5 on Saturday morning to fuel and get ready for our 20-mile run. Cici was kind enough to meet in my neck of the woods since I was on a time crunch — I totally forgot that I had my mom’s hospital NICU picnic event. She reminded me when I stopped by on Thursday afternoon. So we got started right at 7:40 AM. It was going to be another HOT day. I was too lazy to map out a new route (on top of having to memorize it), so I used the route that we used on our first 20-miler.

2-=Mile Route

2-=Mile Route

The first mile I had a huge cramp in my stomach. We slowed it down a bit and after a mile and change, it subsided until mile 16. I told Cici to go ahead at mile 18 as I felt like I was going to vomit. I just slowed it down and tried to keep it together. We got to the house and I was DONE! I still felt like I was going to vomit. Cici ended up just hanging on my stoop and 5 minutes later I went in, almost vomited but that faded. I showered, got the kids ready, got dressed and headed over to my mom’s house to scoop her and my niece up. We were off to the picnic.

Playground Fun

Playground Fun


costa del sol 2

costa del sol 3

picnic 2

I was SO tired and my entire body was SORE. I hardly sat (except to eat) and carried Sebastian most of the time too. By 3:15 we were finally heading home. I laid on my parents couch and seriously, it took me nearly 2 hours to peel off of that couch and go home. We ate dinner, I gave the kids a bath and then to sleep.

Sunday morning, we woke up bright and early. I did a core/strength workout and then made breakfast. I showered and got the kids dressed before heading over to the pumpkin patch down the street. We were meeting with some friends.

Hayride Fun

Hayride Fun


haydride 3

hayride 1

We had a great time!

hayride 5

Wish that P came with us but he was exhausted. He said next Saturday we would do something fall-like with the kids.

After the hayride, I headed over to my parents house to pick up my brother and his girlfriend. We were heading over to the Annual Guinness & Oyster Festival down south in Red Bank. It didn’t start until noon but we wanted to get a head start. Good thing we did — there were so many people there it took us an hour and 10 minutes to get there and park. We were able to find a good parking spot too. 🙂

red bank



red bank 4

We really missed Mimi!!! I’m glad she called to see what we were up to last minute. She has been so busy with her last semester of nursing school, BTW, she just got back her first exam and it was a 92!!!! So exciting. I can’t wait till she’s done. We miss her so much.

We got some food and hydrated because it was SO hot.

red bank 2

By 2:30, we were DONE. We headed back to the car and home, but first we stopped for ice-cream and iced coffees at Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robins. Then we dropped off EJ and Mimi and headed home.

P was hungry, so I started dinner and while dinner was simmering, the kids and I painted the pumpkins we bought.

sun paint

And Sebastian’s first pumpkin painting event.

sun paint 2

Unfortunately, he would rather eat it all: the pumpkin, the paint and the paint brush. Not fun for him or myself.

And that was our weekend in a big nutshell. 🙂

I can’t believe tomorrow is OCTOBER!!!! It’s my favorite time of the year. I love Halloween and boots! My two favorites.

Are you dressing up for Halloween? Any costumer races?

Long Run, Tempo, Track, Trails, Easy; Which one do you like best? I think I like track workouts the best. or Long Runs? Who am I kidding. I like them all.

2 thoughts on “Indian Summer: Part II

  1. I’ll be in DC on Halloween 😉 I probably won’t dress up? The older I get the more pointless that holiday gets. hahaha but if I had kids or something maybe that would get me excited. GREAT JOB on your 20 miler! You are seriously rocking it! And have a great track workout!!

    • Oh, that should be fun to be in DC during Halloween. NYC is HUGE on HALLOWEEN. So many fun costume parties and just people wandering the streets in their costumes. Sometimes that’s daily – with what some people just wear in general. LOL

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