
6:00 AM: Strength Workout; 11:00 AM: Run – Hill Repeats

Happy Tuesday! The long weekend was great and I had too much fun with the kids.  Unfortunately, it’s back to reality for all of us.  I prefer to workout first thing in the morning, but Sebastian has been incredibly needy of me.  Sometimes I’ll be up and it’s like he knows and then wakes up with me.  So, as soon as I unrolled my mat, he did same.

Great workout session for both of us.  I wanted to run but didn’t have time… no really, I finished my workout, prepped Lili’s lunch, got the kids ready to go to school/in-laws, packed running clothes and by the time I knew it, I had zero time to shower. Oops.  So I quickly got myself ready and headed out the front door.

It was already hot when we left so I tried to go run at the earliest time that I could go.  I went at 11:00 AM.

hill run

And I was drenched.   But I am glad it is done.  I did a mile warm-up, then hill repeats on Clinton Ave.  It was so hot I could only stand to 1-minute repeats x 6 before calling it quits and then heading back to the office for a 1-mile cool-down.

Anyway, the weekend was great.  There was lots of running, food and park time.  First, on Friday morning, I dropped Lili off at school and Sebastian and I visited my parents.  After an hour, we met up with my friend, Jacquie, and her two kids for a 2-mile walk and then they played at the park.

We went home close to noon and then I fed him lunch before he passed out.

friday nap

He was knocked! P was home by 1:30 and stayed with him while I picked Lili up.  Then we visited my in-laws for a few hours before heading home.  The kids played with playdoh before we ate dinner.

Saturday morning I got up early and baked.

baking sat

Then the kids and I went food shopping and I made a big brunch.  Pancakes, sausage, bacon, oj. We but Sebastian down for a nap and then headed over to Celeste’s house for Rosa’s Birthday BBQ.  Celeste and John did a great job hosting.

cici 1

Here are a bunch of gifts from the guests.  Everyone brought gifts and Celeste and John will be making baskets and donating them to a hospital for mothers that are going through a pregnancy loss.  They are amazing friends.


And here is a collage of photos that Celeste put together.  I was able to get a good video before the wind took a few down.

The food was good, company was great and the kids had a ton of fun.  It was such a beautiful, HOT … but beautiful day.

What a great time..

cici 5

We left close to 5:30 and I had to make a stop at my sister’s to drop off her planner that she left at my parents house last week.  Since we were there, we hung out a bit, gave the kids bath and then she ordered dinner.

sat night

Lili fell asleep on the way home and was CRANKY!!!

Sunday morning it was HOT again. I made a quick breakfast and then took Sebastian for a haircut.  We actually saw my mom there so that was a nice treat.  After, we headed to Dunkin Donuts for iced coffee and donuts and then to the spray playground.  I got a great parking spot and a bench all to myself.


sun park

It was 90 degrees out at 11:30.

sunday park 3

After two hours it was time to go!!! Sebastian napped like a baby and Lili rested most of the day. P went out to a late lunch with his mom.

Yesterday was pretty low key. We were supposed to get some storms but that didn’t happen. We did check out Sports Authority because they’re going out of business but there weren’t really any great deals.

Lili had a meltdown this morning when I dropped her off.  She was upset because I wasn’t picking her up from school.  MELTDOWNNNNNNN.  Then when I got back from my run, my phone was ringing and it was Sebastian trying to Facetime me.

I guess that happens when you spend too many days with the kids.  They are clinging to you for dear life.

Who ran some Memorial Day races? 

Anyone ever run a race and got to a certain point when they decided to STOP the race (due to weather conditions)? A few  of my friends ran Vermont Marathon on Sunday. That was my first marathon ever.  When they got to mile 21, they were shutting down the race because of the heat.  All of my friends gave them the F-U, I’m FINISHING and crossed that finish line.  Tough as nails.

Hope you enjoy the short week!